Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Case of the "Rabid Cheater."..

It is so funny how during the course of a day you can just run into people that you have not seen in years!

Well this happened to me today, which of course, has inspired yet another RabiesLove topic!

So I am shopping in a near by town and run into an old friend who has the classic story what I am going to call the "Rabid Cheater".
The "Rabid Cheater" is a term that I have invented, of course, to describe a male/female who is infected with RabiesLove for one person...yet they cheat on this person ALL the time.

Now I have been very clear that RabiesLove is a toxic relationship that revolves around obsessive compulsive behavior by one or both people involved.
The "Rabid Cheater" is psychologists dream money patient because this individual has an unhealthy obsession with their significant other...but at the same time the "Rabid Cheater" must feed their ego with countless sex partners... all while professing their dying affection for their primary partner.

Case in point: James is really only moderately attractive he is about average height not really overweight but.. James could use a gym membership.
What James lacks in appearance he makes up for in confidence. Women LOVE him.
James prides his self in his conquests, he has since high school. In college James meets a stunning red head, Angel, they become infected with RabiesLove instantaneously.

James is obsessed with Angel he decides this is "the one" his "soul mate"! Angel feels the same way wedding plans are made. Sounds like a Love story ... no, see James has been having casual sex with ... basically anyone that says yes.
Angel has no idea. The difference between a "Rabid Cheater" and a regular cheater is the "Rabid Cheater" has such a narsasitic personality that he/she feels entitlement for cheating.
They also LIE when caught and somehow make the person feel as though "they" are at fault.
Angel's friends tried to warn her... James had hit on all of them.
RabiesLove blinded Angel from the truth.
Today when I ran into James he told me that Angel had finally left him... this is five years AFTER the wedding!!
This "Rabid Cheater" professed his undying LOVE for her and his confidence that they would renew their life together as soon as she realized that "she" was wrong?!

Seriously "Rabid Cheater"?! As if it were completely out of his control to zip up his pants!
"If" by chance you are unfortunate enough to become infected by the "Rabid Cheater" please remove your mind and your body parts far away from this person before you get "branded" with an STD!
Have a safe and happy weekend!

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