Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Rabbid EX Factor

Today has reminded me of a vital piece of the RabiesLove puzzle that we have yet to discuss...

The EX Factor...

Perhaps you or someone you know was able to free themselves of the bondage of an unhealthy relationship only to encounter the Rabid EX!!

The Rabid EX is the person who CANNOT let go of the relationship!
Symptoms include but are not limited to Stalking you and your home, Destruction of property left at their home, hacking into your email and facebook,constant calling and texting!
This does not occur just at the beginning of the Break Up... no this will last weeks, months and even years.

The Rabid EX will interfere with new relationships, even stalk your family and friends! Let's clarify this is not healthy behavior...
Basically a Restraining Order may be necessary.

Today's example...
Couple mid 30s dated all through high school they firmly believed they would be "together 4ever" but they had a violent relationship, verbally and physically, began drug use together... then the guy around 21 decided to get sober and SHE left him. Now he actually was ok with the breakup and started a new life.
The female changed her mind... when he started dating other girls and began stalking him.

Fast forward.. over 14 years have past. Both are now married with children and this female STILL about every 6 to 8 months will try to contact him!

The guy simply does not respond period. At what point... I mean after 14 years you would think that she would just STOP?!
But once infected with RabiesLove you can go into remission but it is ALWAYS there!
How would you respond to this if you are the guys wife? Or her husband?

The Rabid EX can cause many problems. It is important that you DO NOT engage in their attempts. The guy in the story told me he used to cuss her out when she called... but she told him that "if she could still make him angry then he still cared about her" so DO NOT respond! DO NOT answer the phone, Reply to texts or emails!
I hope that none of you have to encounter the Rabid EX Factor!!
More importantly "if" you are reading this and you sadly realized that there is a chance that you indeed ARE a Rabid EX... just STOP!
Seriously! The ugly truth is simply... he/she DOES NOT want to be with you!! If they did you would not be the EX! Sorry it is sad... but TRUE!

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