Another failed attempt to rescue a drowdning viticm....
This time will be different... he/she has really changed... this time things will be different!!
Ok ... so if I place my hand into the burning flame...this time I will not get burned? Right?! Same logic people.
The little lies that we tell ourselves to justify staying in unhealthy relationships.. if these "lies" were not soo sad the situation could almost be comical.
Stop and ask yourself these questions:
Do people wake up one day and suddenly evolve into sane non jealous indivduals?
Do people who are violent just wake up and evolve into passive quiet people?
Is it possible for a person who has verbally abused you for days/months/years realize the error and depth of the pain they have caused you and just simply stop?
NO to ALL!!
Maybe there is someone out there who is aware of an exception to the rule - they will be the exception not the rule!
Things will be different for a little while.. the "honeymoon phaze" and then the cycle of RabiesLove will reach craziness yet again.
Toxic relationships will simply always be TOXIC!!
Get Out Now... RabiesLove...Kills Slowly...