Tuesday, May 22, 2012


How much do you give... How much time do you waste waiting on someone? When do you know you have had ENOUGH of your RabiesLove relationship? YOU are the only person that can answer that question....but I can enlighten you to the thought, that if you are even asking... You are almost there. Kisha fell in love with Danny. That was more than a decade ago. Kisha knew that Danny USED to have a coke problem. I think you know where this is going right. Fast forward a decade. Danny relapses are now draining the very breath out of her. Kisha still loves Danny, she wants to help him, fix him... Kisha wants the person she fell in love with so long ago to return. The verbal abuse is movie worthy. The threats, the accusations of cheating, the name calling, all go along with the drug use. Then there are months of sobriety where they are madly, rabidly in love. But....in the end Danny always goes back to the drugs. Every time Danny falls down his rabbit hole of self destruction.... Kisha dies a little more within. Why is she not ENOUGH?? How many birthdays, holidays, will she give up to drugs? Will she ever find her self worth? When is ENOUGH.... ENOUGH??