Ignorance is Bliss...
If you have been cheated on this statement may or may not ring true.
There are those who want to know...who need to know...
Then there people who "think" they want to know.... until they actually know...
Once the secret is revealed there is no turning back. Either leave or stay
But which road you choose to travel is a very personal choice and one than cannot be taken lightly.
If you decide to stay.. I suggest that you make a list of what you need to know about the infidelity. Sometimes it is the "details" of the act that you have to forgive not the act itself.
Was it a one night stand or a full on affair? Does it even matter?
Was it a physical indiscretion or an emotional attachment? To you which is worse?
Did your partner admit the secret or did you bust them?
This is very important.. if the person admitted the betrayal then they may appear truly guilty and remorseful for the act.
But at the same time the person may just simply have kept the secret to save you the heartache of knowing... when really the act meant nothing to them.
I took the road less traveled.... I chose to stay with the person who betrayed me.
This is not for everyone... this was NOT an easy decision to make.
It literally took years to rebuild the trust that was broken.
Here's the point....
"IF" you have something worth saving... allow yourself the time to decide what path you want to take. Irrational decisions are easy to make in the heat of the moment and more difficult to take back.
Have a support system in place... one that will support you even if they disagree with what you decide.
Second chances... are not to be taken lightly or handed out lightly.
Not everyone is worthy of a second chance... that is something that only you can decide.
Most importantly know... you are not alone in your pain.
But also be aware that you will be a stronger person for having been through this pain one day you may be able to share your story to help another.
There is lesson to be learned in every moment of life... just sometimes it takes the clouds a little longer to part so you can see the view.