Wednesday, February 8, 2012

THE photo YOU did not want to SEE!

Well. ITs been awhile. Life sometimes gets in the way. 2012 has began with a completely NEW era of RABID HOT MESSES to share with you! No point to keep you in the dark..... Teenage Rabies.... This is an awkward time for any parents I am sure! But this story is too funny not to share. Melisa is a younger mother who is dealing with the raging hormones of a 16 year old daughter. Like any mother trying to be a "good" parent... She is constantly keeping up with where her daughter is located and who she is with. Daughter's phone rings.... She has an incoming text.... Melissa sees that it is from "that boy" which is term she has come up with for all of daughter's boyfriends. Its easier than getting to know them. (teenage love is fleeting) Should I? She asked internally. Why not.... How bad could it be... Well.....Melissa literally gasps "Dear Lord"!!! A PENIS on the cell phone is staring at her!! Melissa, is now flushed, nauseous, humiliated!!!! Poor boy!! He has obviously has NO idea he has such.... A SMALL penis. Bless his heart, to be sure he would not have proudly sent this photo if he had known!! Melissa debates over to tell her husband or not! Should she tell her daughter??? Melissa "thinks" this may be the only Penis her daughter has seen, should Melissa inform her daughter That there will be a bigger and better one in her future, hopefully??? What is correct plan of action?? Rabid Souls.... I do not know yet how this story ends.... But I will keep you updated! Have a Great Weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Well, we have no control over our adolescent kids, we only need to be careful with them and give solid advice where necessary
